Mission Statement
Our mission is to enhance public safety and the quality of life in partnership with communities through fair enforcement of the law and codes.
About Code Enforcement:
The Riverside County Code Enforcement Department is dedicated to serving the citizens of Riverside County by helping to make our communities a safe and enjoyable place to live, work, and play.
The Code Enforcement Department is tasked with the job of enforcing the County's rules, regulations, and ordinances related to land use and zoning, illegal businesses, and community preservation issues.
The Riverside County Code Enforcement Department works hand in hand with other County departments and agencies such as Animal Services, Environmental Health, Fire, Sheriff's, and the District Attorney's Office.
Our officers are trained and experienced in dealing with the day-to-day calls that they receive for multiple issues. These can range from addressing a property with too many animals, to issuing a Notice of Violation to an illegal marijuana dispensary as well as getting trash, debris, and junk cars removed from properties within Riverside County.
Voluntary compliance is always our main focus and goal in Code Enforcement. Should that fail to occur, a Code Enforcement officer may issue citations, or seek other administrative fines as well as criminal penalties in some cases.
Should you have a question about your own property or a concern about a neighboring property within Riverside County, feel free to contact Code Enforcement Administration at (951) 955-2004 or contact a County Code Enforcement field office near you.
Let's all work together to make Riverside County the best it can be!