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Public Service Announcements


Farm & Ranch Solid Waste Cleanup and Abatement Program

The Farm and Ranch Solid Waste Cleanup and Abatement Grant Program provides funding from the California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery for the clean up of illegally dumped material on farm or ranch property. Find out if you are eligible today!

Farm & Ranch Solid Waste Cleanup and Abatement Program

Tire Team

The County of Riverside Code Enforcement Department has been receiving grant funds through the State of California Department of Resources, Recycling, and Recovery (CalRecycle) for several years. The funds provide for the Department’s Tire Team, which includes 3 full-time Code officers, equipment, and half-time of a Code Supervisor. The Tire Team inspects waste tire facilities, tire dealers, auto dismantlers, tire haulers, and other points of waste tire generation. The team ensures compliance with all applicable codes, laws, regulations, and manifest requirements for waste tire disposal. Proper disposal of tires reduces the risk of fires; reduces the spread of vector diseases, such as Zika and West Nile virus; and protects the environment.

Tire Team

Commercial Cannabis Activities

On October 23, 2018, the Board of Supervisors approved an ordinance establishing the permitting process and regulations for commercial cannabis operations.

Commercial Cannabis Activities

Junk Your Clunker Program

As a public service of the Abandoned Vehicle Authority (AVA) Program, areas within unincorporated Riverside County can arrange to have the junk vehicle(s) removed from your property absolutely FREE of charge, if you qualify!

Junk Your Clunker Program

Combustible Materials Task Force (CMTF)

The multi-agency Combustible Materials Task Force was formed in 2019. Its purpose was to reduce the risk of fires in the unincorporated areas of Eastern Coachella Valley caused by large amounts of green waste, illegal dumping, and homeless encampments. The Task Force has since grown to cover all unincorporated communities countywide. Code Enforcement staff provide project management, leadership on collaborative projects, public education, outreach, records management and ensure compliance. The Combustible Materials Task Force members include Code Enforcement, Fire, Transportation, Environmental Health, County Counsel, Behavioral Health, South Coase AQMD, and other community partners.

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